Flag Etiquette

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

US Flag Etiquette
With Memorial Day weekend coming up, many of  us will celebrate with backyard bbqs and get togethers! With all the fun festivities, let's not forget the real reason for the day, and remember all of those who died serving their country.  For myself, growing up in a military family instilled a strong sense of Patriotism and flying a flag at home is done on a daily basis.  Whether you fly your flag regularly or on special holidays, keep in mind these simple do's and don'ts when displaying your American Flag.
Display your flag from SUNRISE to SUNSET, and at night when illuminated by  light.
Don't fly your flag in inclement weather, unless you have an all weather flag.
When flying a flag at half-mast ~ hoist the flag first to the peak, then lower to half-mast.
Flags should not be used for decoration, but rather patriotic bunting of 
48 star and other historic flags, may be flown with pride.
When flags are hung horizontally or vertically against a wall or window, place the union (the blue field) uppermost and to the flag's own right, or the observer's left.
Flags, no longer fit for flying, should be disposed of in a respectful way, 
preferably by safely burning.


  1. Thanks for the Flag Etiquette information. I needed to review that and plan to put my flag out on Monday. There is a nice ceremony at the cemetery on that day too.Grams

  2. The flag in your picture is on the wrong side of the porch.


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